By-Law No. 2025-06 to authorize temporary borrowing from time to time to meet current expenditures during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2025.
By-Law No. 2025-12 to approve the submission of an application to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation ("OILC") for the long-term financing of certain capital works of The Corporation of the City of North Bay (The "Municipality"); and to authorize the entering into of a rate offer letter agreement pursuant to which the Municipality will issue debentures to OILC.
By-Law No. 2025-16 - Official Plan Amendment No. 34 (Lidrani Holdings Inc. - Booth Road).
By-Law No. 2025-17 to rezone certain lands on Booth Road (Lidrani Holdings Inc. - Booth Road).
By-Law No. 2025-18 to rezone certain lands on Gertrude Street East (Azitav Mondal & Shualy Sen - 41 Gertrude Street East).
By-Law No. 2025-19 to rezone certain lands on Mountainview Drive (Millford Development Limited - 150 Mountainview Drive).