By-Law No. 2025-24 to stop up, close and convey a portion of the laneway located in a block bounded by Lansdowne Avenue, O'Brien Street, Hutcheson Avenue and McLeod Street.
By-Law No. 2025-25 to authorize the execution of an agreement with The North Bay and District Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals relating to the provision of Animal Control Services.
By-Law No. 2025-26 to authorize electors to use an alternative voting method that does not require electors to attend a voting place in order to vote for Municipal and School Board elections.
By-Law No. 2025-30 to stop up, close and convey a Part of McKenzie/Robarts Avenue Road Allowance designated as Part 3, on Plan 36R-15359, in the City of North Bay.
By-Law No. 2025-32 to authorize the execution of a Subdivision Pre-Servicing Agreement with 2029562 Ontario Limited relating to Ashgrove Subdivision, Phases 4 and 5.