Special Committee Meeting Minutes

Council Chambers
City Hall - 200 McIntyre Street East, North Bay, ON
Members Present:
  • Mayor Chirico, 
  • Councillor Horsfield, 
  • Councillor Inch, 
  • Councillor Mallah, 
  • Councillor King, 
  • Councillor Bain, 
  • Councillor Gardiner, 
  • Councillor Vrebosch, 
  • Councillor Mayne, 
  • and Councillor Mitchell 
Members Absent:
  • Councillor Lowery 

GG-2024-07    Report from Melinda Fry and Drew Poeta dated April 25, 2024 re User Fees - Pickleball Courts and Transit Fares

Councillor Horsfield explained the purpose of the amendment to the User Fees.

The City Clerk advised that notice of the meeting was given in accordance with City of North Bay Notice By-Law 2020-79, by publishing the notice, 14 days in advance of the public meeting, in the Public Notice section of the City of North Bay’s website on Thursday, April 11, 2024.

Councillor Horsfield asked for public presentations in support of or objecting to the amendment to the user fees in relation to pickleball courts.


Dave Saad:

  • Pleased to have pickleball courts.
  • The current asphalt and lines do not conform to a pickleball court.
  • There has not been any consultation with the executive.
  • Found out about the user fees from an article in the paper.
  • Volunteers currently look after the courts they put up the windscreens, drying off the courts and cleaning off the court.
  •  Do not pay to play pickleball in outlying areas.

Chris Derochie and Luis Catalao  

  • Thank you for the money to prepare the courts.
  • Do not want to pay for courts that are not constructed.
  • More than happy to pay the user fees once the courts have been finished.

Direction:   Item to remain on Committee. 

Councillor Horsfield asked for public presentations in support of or objecting to the amendment to the user fees in relation to transit fares.

No Presentations were made.

Direction:  Committee Report be brought forward to Council.  

CS 2024-04  Report from Adam Curran dated April 11, 2024 re: amendment to Zoning By-Law 2015-30 to amend the current Residential Sixth Density (R6) zone to include duplexes and triplexes

Councillor Mallah read the draft recommendation for the Committee’s consideration.

The City Clerk advised that notice of the meeting was given by placing an advertisement in the North Bay Nugget on Saturday, April 20, 2024, and by providing a copy to all agencies as prescribed by Ontario Regulation 545/06.   

Beverley Hillier explained the purpose of the Zoning By- Law Amendment.

Councillor Mallah asked for public presentations in support of or objecting to the Zoning By-Law Amendment.

No presentations were made.

Direction:  Committee Report be brought forward to Council.  

CS 2024-05  Report from Peter Carello dated May 2, 2024 re: Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment and Draft Plan of Condominium - Highland Woods Developments Inc. - Golf Club Road (Unaddressed)

Councillor Mallah read the draft recommendation for the Committee’s consideration.

The City Clerk advised that notice of the meeting was given by prepaid first class mail on the 18th day of April 2024 to all owners of property within 120 metres of the subject property and by the posting of a placard on the subject property.

Peter Carello explained the purpose of the rezoning application and draft plan of condominium.

Councillor Mallah asked for public presentations in support of or objecting to the rezoning application and draft plan of condominium.


Steve McArthur and MacKenzie Van Horn, Agent for the Applicant.

  • This proposal is for a 42 unit , two bedroom, phased townhouse development on this property.
  • Under the present zoning there is the possibility of 53 units with additional dwelling units.
  • This is a parallel move in terms of density.
  • The reason why Golf Club Road is not being proposed is that the driveway is right at the crest of a hill and the City has invested in a controlled intersection at Bain and Airport.
  • This site plan was two years in the making In reviewing this development the contours, drainage, servicing, ingress and egress were very closely examined
  • Very common type of housing in areas of province.
  • Bain Drive residents will see the front of houses.
  • The units will be 1100 square feet with a garage.  
  • The upper units will have a balcony and the lower units will have a covered porch.
  • The green space is very specific and restrictive and does not fit for this type of housing.
  • Location of the garbage is to be addressed by the Site Plan Control Agreement.
  • Bain Drive will be finished and punched through during this phase.  
  • There will be a common outdoor element which will be a shared greenspace for the owners.

John Hayes:

  • Entered into an agreement with the property owner a long time ago now presently in court.
  • The Developer does not care about the people in the neighbourhood.
  • Build a fence down my driveway - I have no place to put snow - have been doing this for 25 years.
  • Would like a double row of spruce trees so that there is a buffer and a fence for privacy.
  • No headlights into my property.   
  • If Council approves this I have no faith in City Government anymore.
  • The trees have been removed and dumpsters will be put in place which will attract animals.
  • Density is too high.
  • Live up to the agreements that the Developers have already made.

Torsten Schlueting:

  • How many lots was this divided into?  

Santo Cucullo:

  • Concerned with increase in traffic.
  • Studies can no longer be valid due to all the changes in the area.
  • Why can't the new development have access to Golf Club  Road.
  • Walk this area quite frequently there is no reason why they cannot use the north/east corner to access Golf Club Road.
  • Wants Bain Drive to remain quiet.  

Bill Carswell:

  • Can resolve all of the issues by having the traffic go to Golf Club Road.
  • Once Bain Drive is useable the road will be very busy.

Keith Vaananen:

  • Cannot believe that it has been said that the Bain and Airport intersection is being under utilized.
  • There will be more traffic on this road. 

Louise Despres:

  • There was a study done for Airport and Bain why can't there be a study done for Golf Club Road?
  • There is a short turn onto Mapleridge it will cause the traffic to back up in the intersection on Airport.

Direction:  Committee Report be brought forward to Council.  

No Items Addressed.  

Special Committee Meeting of Council adjourned at 8:34 p.m.