Whereas swimming is a low-impact activity, which can be enjoyed by people of all ages and of various abilities;
Whereas swimming has numerous physical and mental health benefits;
Whereas fresh water pools help make swimming more affordable and accessible;
Whereas fresh water pools support sustainable aquatic practices that enrich both the environment and community life;
Whereas fresh water pools can serve as a platform for educating the community about ecology, conservation, and sustainable practices;
Whereas the development of freshwater pools can encourage community involvement and promote outdoor activities, fostering social connections;
Whereas a fresh water pool in the City of North Bay can foster economic development by attracting more visitors and residents to the area, boosting local tourism and recreational activities;
Whereas a fresh water pool can offer the City of North Bay and community partners an opportunity to develop a variety of community programs, such as deep water running, aqua fitness, water polo, water volleyball, and training and skills development;
Therefore be it Resolved That the City of North Bay explore the development of a fresh water pool and that a written staff report be brought forward to the upcoming 2025 Budget deliberations.