Regular Meeting of City Council


Council Chambers
City Hall - 200 McIntyre Street East, North Bay, ON
Members Present:
  • Mayor Chirico, 
  • Councillor Horsfield, 
  • Councillor Inch, 
  • Councillor Mallah, 
  • Councillor King, 
  • Councillor Bain, 
  • Councillor Gardiner, 
  • Councillor Vrebosch, 
  • Councillor Mayne, 
  • and Councillor Mitchell 
Members Absent:
  • Councillor Lowery 

as "the report deals with remuneration for the Mayoral position."

declared a conflict in relation to Item 9.2., and did not reconvene with Council.

  • Res. # 2024-184
    Moved byCouncillor Gardiner
    Seconded byCouncillor Mitchell

    That the minutes for the public meetings held on:

    - Thursday, December 14, 2023;
    - Thursday, May 9, 2024
    - Monday, June 3, 2024; and
    - Tuesday, June 4, 2024

    be adopted as presented. 

  • Res. # 2024-185
    Moved byCouncillor King
    Seconded byCouncillor Horsfield

    That Council authorize the North Bay Rib Fest to have a pyrotechnic (fireworks) display as part of their event on July 21, 2024, adjacent to Memorial Drive, east of the Marina, over Lake Nipissing.

  • Res. # 2024-186
    Moved byCouncillor King
    Seconded byCouncillor Horsfield

    That the proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment by Tulloch Geomatics Inc. on behalf of Intrigo Holdings Limited – Bunting Drive (unaddressed) be received and referred to the Community Services Committee for a Public Meeting.

  • Res. # 2024-187
    Moved byCouncillor Horsfield
    Seconded byCouncillor Inch

    That the resignations from Robert and Suzanne Neilsen from the Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee be received and Robert and Suzanne be thanked for their involvement on the Committee.

  • Res. # 2024-188
    Moved byCouncillor Horsfield
    Seconded byCouncillor Inch

    That Council:

    1. authorize the Chief Financial Officer to complete the 2023 reserve transfers, as outlined in Appendix “A”, attached to Report to Council CORP 2024-48 dated June 4, 2024 from Laura Boissonneault; and
    2. receive and file the City of North Bay’s 2023 Water and Wastewater Year-End Financial Report, as set out in Report to Council CORP 2024-48 dated June 4, 2024 from Laura Boissonneault.
  • Mayor Chirico declared a conflict on this item. (as "the successful proponent is a family friend".)
  • Res. # 2024-189
    Moved byCouncillor King
    Seconded byCouncillor Horsfield

    That Council approve the award of a contract to 1418417 Ontario Inc. in the amount of $210,000.00 (plus HST), for the provision of Advertising Services for City Arenas and Sports Fields for an initial contract term of five (5) years, with the option in favour of the City to extend the contract for one (1) additional term of up to five (5) years.

  • Res. # 2024-190
    Moved byCouncillor Mitchell
    Seconded byCouncillor Mayne

    That Council approve the award of a contract to Tatham Engineering Limited in the amount of $389,900.00 (plus HST), for the provision of Professional Engineering Services for Seymour Street Reconstruction.

  • Res. # 2024-191
    Moved byCouncillor Mitchell
    Seconded byCouncillor Mayne

    That Council approve the award of a contract to North Bay Toyota in the amount of $119,489.40 (plus HST), for the provision of three (3) Mid-Sized Hybrid Sports Utility Vehicles.

  • Res. # 2024-192
    Moved byCouncillor Mallah
    Seconded byCouncillor King

    That Council:

    1. provide a resolution in support of the North Bay & District Chamber of Commerce’s applications to Immigration and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and FedNor to host a Rural Community Immigration Pilot (RCIP); and
    2. acknowledge, should the Chamber be awarded a pilot, this support includes a commitment of up to $62,500 spread over the course of five (5) years with a pre-commitment to the 2025 budget.

    Record of Vote (Upon the Request of Councillor Mallah):

    Yeas:  Councillors Mallah, Gardiner, Horsfield, Vrebosch, Mitchell, Bain, Inch, Mayne, King and Mayor Chirico.

    Nays:  Nil

  • Mayor Chirico declared a conflict on this item. (as "the report deals with remuneration for the Mayoral position.")
  • Res. # 2024-193
    Moved byCouncillor Inch
    Seconded byCouncillor Mallah

    That Council authorize:

    1. the Chief Administrative Officer to update the Council Remuneration By-Law to include a vehicle allowance of $7,200 for the Mayor; and
    2. the updated Council Remuneration By-Law applies the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from the previous year as the mechanism to index vehicle allowance.
  • That the following by-laws be read a first and second time: 

  • Res. # 2024-194
    Moved byCouncillor Horsfield
    Seconded byCouncillor King

    Whereas Council wishes to submit a letter of comment in relation to Enbridge Gas Inc.’s Rate Rebasing Application Phase 2;

    Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Council of the City of North Bay authorize the Mayor to sign the attached letter to the Ontario Energy Board on behalf of The Corporation.  


    June 19, 2024                    Sent via email to: [email protected] 

    Ontario Energy Board
    2300 Yonge Street, 27th floor
    P.O. Box 2319
    Toronto, ON M4P 1E4

    Attention:  OEB registrar

    Dear Sir/Madam:

    Re: Securing access to natural gas for Ontario’s future

    On behalf of the Council of The Corporation of the City of North Bay, I am submitting a letter of comment on Enbridge Gas Inc.’s Rate Rebasing Application Phase 2 (EB-2024-0111).

    The Council of The Corporation of the City of North Bay applauds the work the Government of Ontario has done to continue to advance access to affordable energy and propel economic growth, including the Natural Gas Expansion Program and the Keeping Energy Costs Down Act.

    The Council of The Corporation of the City of North Bay supports a measured approach to Ontario’s energy transition; one that leverages existing natural gas infrastructure and invests in lower-carbon alternatives such as renewable natural gas and hydrogen – in addition to building incremental electricity supply.

    An integrated approach to Ontario’s energy transition, where pipes and wires work together, will ensure Ontario maintains an energy system that is resilient and cost-effective while supporting the province’s decarbonization efforts.

    The Council of The Corporation of the City of North Bay recognizes that growing communities and new developments have growing energy needs, to support housing developments, new businesses, community centres, hospitals, schools, greenhouses, grain dryers and industrial parks – and all Ontarians benefit from this growth. 

    Municipalities are planning for immense future growth and need assurance that affordable, resilient natural gas will be available to support economic and community development – this energy certainty is crucial, as is preserving customer choice.

    Natural gas meets 40 percent of Ontario’s energy needs, plays a critical role in Ontario's energy evolution, and supports the reliability of Ontario’s electricity system. We would like to ensure that hearings like this represent municipal voices and priorities like our own on the need for natural gas and natural gas infrastructure to support the province’s diversified energy mix.

    The Corporation of the City of North Bay 


    Peter Chirico,

    CC:    Hon. Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario 
    Hon. Todd Smith, the Minister of Energy 
    President of AMO, Colin Best
    [email protected]
    MPP Victor Fedeli 
    Federation of Northen Ontario Municipalities




  • Councillor Vrebosch declared a conflict on this item. (declared a conflict in relation to Item 9.2., and did not reconvene with Council.)
  • Res. # 2024-195
    Moved byCouncillor Horsfield
    Seconded byCouncillor Inch

    That Council adjourn in-camera pursuant to section 239.(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended at 8:09 p.m. for the following reasons: 

    9.2, being the potential acquisition of land by the municipality or local board;

    9.3, being the proposed disposition of land by the municipality or local board; and

    9.4, being the proposed acquisition of land by the municipality or local board.

  • Res. # 2024-196
    Moved byCouncillor Horsfield
    Seconded byCouncillor Inch

    That Council reconvene at 9:18 p.m.


Confidential report from Margaret Karpenko and Ian Kilgour dated June 3, 2024 re North Bay Mattawa Conservation Authority 

  • Res. # 2024-197
    Moved byCouncillor Horsfield
    Seconded byCouncillor Inch

    That Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk to extend the operational subsidy agreement between the City of North Bay and the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority, to the satisfaction of the Chief Administrative Officer, and Chief Financial Officer and the City Solicitor.

  • Res. # 2024-198
    Moved byCouncillor Gardiner
    Seconded byCouncillor Bain

    That the following by-law be read a first and second time:

    By-Law No. 2024-50 to confirm proceedings of the Regular Meeting of Council held on June 18, 2024.

  • Res. # 2024-199
    Moved byCouncillor Gardiner
    Seconded byCouncillor Bain

    That the following by-law be read a third time and passed:

    By-Law No. 2024-50 to confirm proceedings of the Regular Meeting of Council held on June 18, 2024.

  • Res. # 2024-200
    Moved byCouncillor Bain
    Seconded byCouncillor Gardiner

    That this Regular Meeting of Council do now adjourn at 9:19 p.m.

No Item Selected