Councillor Mallah read the draft recommendation for the Committee’s consideration.
The City Clerk advised that notice of the meeting was given by prepaid first class mail on the 20th day of December, 2024 to all owners of property within 120 metres of the subject property and by the posting of a placard on the subject property.
Peter Carello explained the purpose of the Official Plan Amendment, and Rezoning applications.
Councillor Mallah asked for public presentations in support of or objecting to the Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning applications.
Steve McArthur, Agent for the Applicant.
- This is the first step to prepare the canvas for what is being proposed.
- The Applicant will be making applications for full rezoning, condominiums and/or subdivision.
- Bay Builders will be building West Pointe Village on this site and have recently held a meeting at the Public Library to see what people need and want.
- FRI Environmental will be conducting an Environmental Impact Report and any comments contained in this report will need to be addressed before any approvals are received.
Direction: Committee Report be brought forward to Council.