Regular Meeting of City Council


Council Chambers
City Hall - 200 McIntyre Street East, North Bay, ON
Members Present:
  • Mayor Chirico, 
  • Councillor Horsfield, 
  • Councillor Inch, 
  • Councillor Mallah, 
  • Councillor King, 
  • Councillor Lowery, 
  • Councillor Bain, 
  • Councillor Gardiner, 
  • Councillor Vrebosch, 
  • Councillor Mayne, 
  • and Councillor Mitchell 

  • Res. # 2024-259
    Moved byCouncillor Vrebosch
    Seconded byCouncillor Bain

    That the minutes for the public meeting held on:

    - Tuesday, September 3, 2024 

    be adopted as presented. 

  • Res. # 2024-260
    Moved byCouncillor Horsfield
    Seconded byCouncillor Inch


    1. Council receive Report to Council CORP 2024-76 for the Reduction, Cancellation or Refund of Taxes under Sections 357 and 358 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25 be received;
    2. Council accepts and approves the eleven (11) applications as recommended by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) for the period set out on each application form and that the taxes totaling approximately $24,541.99 be adjusted under Section 357 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25 of which the City’s portion is estimated to be $20,779.59;
    3. the Treasurer be directed to adjust the Collector’s Roll; accordingly, and
    4. staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.
  • Res. # 2024-261
    Moved byCouncillor Horsfield
    Seconded byCouncillor Inch

    That Council approve the vesting of:

    1. Parcel 7132, Section Widdifield and Ferris; Part Lot 13, Concession 3 Widdifield being Part of the West 1/2 of the East 1/2 as in LT84629; Subject to LT63692, LT74984; North Bay; District of Nipissing; and
    2. Parcel 1166, Section Widdifield and Ferris; Part Lot 7, Concession 4 Widdifield as in P7442; North Bay; District of Nipissing. 
  • Res. # 2024-262
    Moved byCouncillor Mitchell
    Seconded byCouncillor Mayne

    That Council approve the award of a contract to Clean Harbors Canada, Inc. operating as Clean Harbors Canada & Clean Harbors Energy & Industrial Services Corp. in the amount of $7,312,787.00 (plus HST), for the provision of Soil Remediation at the Jack Garland Airport.

  • Res. # 2024-263(a)
    Moved byCouncillor Horsfield
    Seconded byCouncillor Inch

    That Council receive and file the City of North Bay’s Year-End Financial Projection for the period ending June 30th, 2024, as set out in Report to Council CORP 2024 -69 dated August 29, 2024 from Laura Boissonneault.

  • Res. # 2024-263(b)
    Moved byCouncillor Lowery
    Seconded byCouncillor Inch

    That Council refer Report from Laura Boissonneault dated August 29, 2024, re General Variance Year-End Projections, as at June 30, 2024 to the General Government Committee.  

  • Res. # 2024-264
    Moved byCouncillor Horsfield
    Seconded byCouncillor Inch

    That Council receive and file the August 2024 Procurement Award Update, as set out in Report to Council CORP 2024-79 dated September 4, 2024 from Lori Jackson, Manager of Procurement.

  • Res. # 2024-265
    Moved byCouncillor Mallah
    Seconded byCouncillor King

    That Council:

    1. approve the Steve Omischl Sports Complex as the recommended location for the planned regulation size Cricket Pitch based on the findings of a site search; 
    2. direct Staff to initiate preliminary site work including environmental and geotechnical and complete an operations analysis to identify the ideal construction site at the Steve Omischl Sports Complex; and
    3. direct staff to complete Class C/D cost estimate of a regulation size Cricket Pitch for consideration during the 2025 Capital Budget deliberations.
  • Res. # 2024-266
    Moved byCouncillor Mitchell
    Seconded byCouncillor Mayne

    That Council receive and file the City of North Bay’s Water and Wastewater Year-end Financial Projection for the period ending June 30th, 2024, as set out in Report to Council CORP 2024-68 dated August 16, 2024 from Laura Boissonneault.

  • Res. # 2024-267
    Moved byCouncillor Mallah
    Seconded byCouncillor King

    That the following by-law be read a first and second time: 

    By-Law No. 2024-64 to stop up, close and convey a part of Lawson Street road allowance designated as Part 1, on Plan 36R-15274 in the City of North Bay.

  • Res. # 2024-268
    Moved byCouncillor Mallah
    Seconded byCouncillor King

    That the following by-law be read a third time and passed: 

    By-Law No. 2024-64 to stop up, close and convey a part of Lawson Street road allowance designated as Part 1, on Plan 36R-15274 in the City of North Bay.

  • Res. # 2024-269
    Moved byCouncillor Bain
    Seconded byCouncillor Horsfield

    Whereas Council received the attached Motion from the Township of Russell in relation to the Association of Municipal Clerk Treasurers’ of Ontario (AMCTO) updates to the Municipal Elections Act.   

    Therefore Be it Resolved that the Council of the City of North Bay endorses and supports the Motion made by the Council of the Township of Russell.   

    And Further be it Resolved that a copy of this motion be sent to the Premier of Ontario, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Minister of Education, Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery, Minister of Finance, MPP Victor Fedeli, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities and the Township of Russell.


                                        TOWNSHIP OF




    Date:                   August 26, 2024               Item(s) no.: 10 (ref. a)

    Subject:              Resolution to Support AMCTO Provincial Updates to the Municipal Elections Act

    Moved by:          Jamie Laurin
    Seconded by: Lisa Deacon

    WHEREAS elections rules need to be clear, supporting candidates and voters in their electoral participation and election administrators in running elections; and

    WHEREAS legislation needs to strike the right balance between providing clear rules and frameworks to ensure the integrity of the electoral process; and

    WHEREAS the legislation must also reduce administrative and operational burden for municipal staff ensuring that local election administrators can run elections in a way that responds to the unique circumstances of their local communities; and

    WHEREAS the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (MEA) will be 30 years old by the next municipal and school board elections in 2026; and

    WHEREAS the MEA sets out the rules for local elections, the Assessment Act, 1990 and the Education Act, 1990 also contain provisions impacting local elections adding more places for voters, candidates, and administrators to look for the rules that bind the local democratic process in Ontario; and

    WHEREAS with rules across three pieces of legislation, and the MEA containing a patchwork of clauses, there are interpretation challenges, inconsistencies, and gaps to fill; and

    WHEREAS the Act can pose difficulties for voters, candidates, contributors and third-party advertisers to read, to interpret, to comply with and for election administrators to enforce; and

    WHEREAS while local elections are run as efficiently and effectively as can be within the current legislative framework, modernization and continuous improvement is needed to ensure the Act is responsive to today’s needs and tomorrow’s challenges; and

    WHEREAS to keep public trust and improve safeguards the Act should be reviewed considering the ever-changing landscape which impacts elections administration including privacy, the threats of foreign interference, increased spread of mis/disinformation and the increased use of technologies like artificial intelligence and use of digital identities; and

    WHEREAS the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks, and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO) reviewed the Act and has provided several recommendations including modernizing the legislation, harmonizing rules, and streamlining and simplifying administration; and

    WHERAS AMCTO put forward recommendations for amendments ahead of the 2026 elections and longer-term recommendations for amendments ahead of the 2030 elections; therefore

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Township of Russell calls for the Province to update the MEA with priority amendments as outlined by AMCTO before Summer 2025 and commence work to review and re-write the MEA with longer-term recommendations ahead of the 2030 elections; and be it further

    RESOLVED that this resolution will be forwarded to all municipalities in Ontario for support and that each endorsement be then forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Minister of Education, the Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery, Minister of Finance, the Premier of Ontario, MPP of Glengarry-Prescott-Russell and AMCTO.


    I, Joanne Camiré Laflamme, Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Russell, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the resolution adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Russell on the 26th day of August 2024.


    Municipal Offices 717 Notre-Dame Street, Embrun, ON K0A 1W1
    T: 613 443-3066 | F: 613 443-1042 |


Motion re:  Investigation into Funding Opportunities for Cricket and Pickleball Facilities has been withdrawn.   

  • Res. # 2024-270
    Moved byCouncillor Bain
    Seconded byCouncillor Vrebosch

    That the following by-law be read a first and second time:

    By-Law No. 2024-65 to confirm the proceedings of the Regular Meeting of Council held on September 17, 2024.  

  • Res. # 2024-271
    Moved byCouncillor Bain
    Seconded byCouncillor Vrebosch

    That the following by-law be read a third time and passed:

    By-Law No. 2024-65 to confirm the proceedings of the Regular Meeting of Council held on September 17, 2024.  

  • Res. # 2024-272
    Moved byCouncillor Bain
    Seconded byCouncillor Vrebosch

    That this Regular Meeting of Council do now adjourn at 7:18 p.m.

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