By-Law No. 2023-59 to remove the holding zone symbol from lands zoned by By-Law No. 2003-112.
By-Law No. 2023-60 to remove the holding zone symbol from lands zoned by By-Law No. 2022-57.
By-Law No. 2023-61 to remove the holding zone symbol from lands zoned by By-Law No. 35-95.
By-Law No. 2023-62 to authorize the execution of a Public Art Donation Agreement between The Corporation of the City of North Bay and Clean, Green, Beautiful North Bay relating to the donation of a sculpture.
By-Law No. 2023-64 to amend the City of North Bay On-Street Parking By-Law No. 2014-37.
By-Law No. 2023-65 to authorize the execution of a Subdivision Pre-Servicing Agreement with Eton Homes Limited relating to Sugarbush Subdivision - Phase IV.